
So, you consider yourself to be a creative writer and you have a story to tell. You have a good idea for a plot and an excellent hold over the language you write in. But, you are facing a small problem—you don’t know how you want your characters to be like. This is a common... Continue Reading →

Story Snippet #26

    “The library at Sofia, I heard, is where all answers are found. Of course, it is not easy to enter. But may I suggest something even better?”     He blinked in surprise. “Oh…kay.”     “Think up something yourself,” she replied, her gaze unwavering. “It’s all very well to repeat something someone... Continue Reading →

Story Snippet #25

Now, Eisha felt content walking so close to him. Rohan kept glancing at her with a smile, as if he felt the same way she did. At least, that’s what she hoped. Her chest felt lighter and her steps became jumpier. It felt too soon when they arrived at her street. She pointed out her... Continue Reading →

The Eternal Dream

Hello and welcome back to Ananya's Scribbles Corner! To-day, I am back with a story. I have already posted the entire story on this blog, but that was written some five years ago. I've recently revisited the story with the intention of improving it, but for now, I'm just going to rewrite it with the... Continue Reading →

Stuck in Time

"Stuck in Time" started as a prompt related to a novella-writing contest that I eventually opted out of. I was writing the story as it came to me, without much of planning - which is usual for me - and it was taking time for ideas to strike. Plus, as it turned out, it ended... Continue Reading →

Story Snippet #10

Elmeida stepped out of her room after having changed for the day and saw Yor already set to begin his. He was seated on a stool in the living-room, his back facing her. She could not help gazing at him. He had a straight, muscular back, as if he had worked on a field all... Continue Reading →

Story Snippet #7

    “Well, then, what are we waiting for?” Lilian began walking in the direction.     “Hey, wait!” Daniel took her wrist to stop her. “It’s beginning to snow!”     “I don’t care!” growled the woman. “My niece is in trouble and I’m going to rescue her, with or without the lot of you!”     Olivia... Continue Reading →

Story Snippet #6

“What is it?” Ellie was watching her sister anxiously as she stared unseeingly out the kitchen window from where she sat at the small family dining table. “I don’t know,” replied Olivia, thoughtfully. Then, she shook her head and turned towards her sister. “I mean, Aunt Lilian thinks she had made a promise, which she’s... Continue Reading →

Story Snippet #5

The figure was behind Evangeline, who understood the look on her twin’s face and turned around.     She was as calm as her twin was frightened. “What’s the matter?” she asked it.     “Will you promise only to tell the concerned person?” asked the figure in a muffled voice. It sounded distantly male.     “Uh…... Continue Reading →

!! Calling All Readers of Fiction !!

It doesn't matter what genre you read, as long as you read fiction. You can read non-fiction, too, but that's not the point here. The point is, this is a survey to see what manner of writing readers of fiction prefer in the books they pick up, what kind of wording appeals to them. If... Continue Reading →

The Ultimate Sacrifice

The girl was barely twenty, in the prime of her life.     She swirled with the winds around her, her eyes fixed on the cobra in the front that threatened the lives of her people.     It didn’t matter that she was just a child.     It didn’t matter that she had a lot to... Continue Reading →

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