Guest Post by Rita Rana: An Interview

Hello all!

Here is my online friend, Rita, a fellow Indian writer and a published poet. I met her on Twitter and her book of poems, “Need For A Change”, was such a refreshing read for me!

So, here she is on my blog, ready to let her interview me and let us all know who is she, what made her a writer, and a what her current plans are as a writer.

Welcome Rita!

Thank you so much, Ananya for providing the platform to share my journey.

First, I would like to introduce myself. I am a 23-year-old student, content writer, and artist from Punjab, India.  

I am pursuing M.A. in English. I started my author journey in 2020 by publishing a short poetry collection. I find eternal joy in writing and playing instruments. Besides writing and music, I have a keen interest in painting, craft, yoga, and everything artistic+creative. I also run a small business i.e., B.S. Handmades, where you’ll find handmade home decor products.

Ananya: Please describe your writing/author journey. 

Rita: I always loved reading rhymes and writing verses. I still have a few of my silly but cute poems in my old diary. When I was in school, I wrote a horror story and made a comic out of it for fun. I never thought I will follow writing passionately or make it my profession during my school days. In 2020, I finally decided to compile my work and publish them. That’s when I published my first book, “Need of a Change”. I love everything about my author journey except the promotion part. I find maintaining an active social media handle the most difficult part of a writer’s life.

Ananya: What’s your first book about? 

Rita: My first book is about positivity, acceptance, and the beauty of change. It has short, simple, and encouraging poems and prose. The positive perspective toward life and the world inspired my debut poetry collection. It does not contain stories or characters, but learning from experience.

Ananya: Was there someone in your life who encouraged your writing? Why or why not? Who are your main cheerleaders? 

Rita: The invitation page of the book, “Sparks of Phoenix” by Najwa Zebian, has inspired me to publish my book. Those lines were ”If this book has moved you, then move, lift your pen and start writing your own story. Do not keep it inside of you, if it needs to leave you”. Then I decided to share my thoughts, poems, and emotions with the world. Moreover, my parents, sister, and teachers always motivate me to give my best in the things I love to do. My sister is my biggest support. She encourages me the most to follow my heart.

Ananya: What influences your writing? 

Rita: Well, a lot of factors influence my writing. I overthink a lot, and I started writing poetry as a means to escape. Observing people and surroundings is my hobby. Their behavior and personality influence my writing. My experiences and daydreaming also influence my writing. I love reading, and an urge to give a different angle to or contradict the works I have read also has some influence on my writing.

An update on my present writing status

At present, I am handling multiple things simultaneously. I am working as a content writer, pursuing my degree as a regular student, and running a small business. So, I find it hard to focus on my WIP. It is a fantasy novel, a story that holds a special place in my heart. I hope to publish it next year. 

So, that is about Rita, a published poet from India. It was great to know that she is an owner of an online handicrafts store. I admit, Instagram keeps suggesting the profile to me, and I followed it yesterday as soon as I realised it was owned by my online friend. Some things on there caught my eye that I just might order!

You can find Rita Rana on the follow social media platforms:






Do take a look at her poetry book and if you like it, buy it and read it. It was a great reading experience for me!

You can also read other guest posts by Dr. Watson, Sylvia N Gould, Natasja Eby, Crystal Kirkham, and Cully Mack.

See you all in my next post!

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