Moment of Truth #4 – It Wasn’t Really All That Long Ago

When we say that Napoleon Bonaparte came to power in 1804 CE, we tend to imagine it happened a long, long time ago. While technically that is true, it really, really isn’t.

I mean, 1804 is 19th century and that was 200 years ago. Correct.

But it is far more recent compared to 1800 BCE, right?

I mean, History began the minute the Earth was formed; human history began since the time of human evolution. These events in themselves occured millions of years ago. The first humans who lived in caves existed millions of years ago! So, in comparison, don’t you think that Napoleon’s seizure of French power was recent? – just two hundred years ago! And certainly much, much older than the book you read or the TV show you completed less than a week ago!

It wasn’t all that time ago when USA got its independence in 1776.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the French Revolution took place in 1789.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when Napoleon became the King of France in 1804.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the soliders in the Indian subcontinent rose against the British colonisers in 1857.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when Europe colonised Africa.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the Indian National Congress was founded.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the First World War began.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the Great Depression took over the world.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the Second World War began.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when the Cold War began.

It wasn’t really all that time ago when Margaret Thatcher became the first woman Prime Minister of UK.

Universally, an event is considered to be historical when it had happened 30 years ago. Hence, when something happened in 1999 cannot be considered historical, until the end of 2029. When happened in 1991, though, is now historical.

There, History doesn’t seem that far away now, does it? Yes, it impactedm our lives now. The World Wars still have impact to-day – the world in general is still offended by Hitler and his Nazism. The events that are considered History are still showing up in different aspects, such as casteism in India: Even to-day, the Brahmin caste feels superior to the others. It’s all in the past, but yet, we haven’t let these rest; our reasons are our own.


Interested to read more history from me? You can check out my history blog here!


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